Thursday, February 24, 2011

Little-Easter accepted to Fort Valley State University

Please congratulate Ariel Little-Easter on her recent acceptance to Fort Valley State University in Fort Valley, Georgia.  Way to go Ariel!

Founded more than 100 years ago, Fort Valley State University embraces a history that weaves together African-American culture, a commitment to personal and intellectual growth and a deep sense of community. What students of every era have found here is unequaled leadership across a wide scope of programs. Our status as an 1895 state land-grant university has led to remarkable innovations in agriculture and related fields. FVSU’s acclaimed biology and chemistry departments send more students of African descent to medical and dental programs than any other Georgia state school. And our comprehensive liberal arts curriculum continues to set new standards of excellence. Keeping up with technological advances, we offer top-notch online programs and the opportunity to keep abreast of FVSU’s goings-on through Facebook and Twitter. We have an excellent relationship with the city of Fort Valley and surrounding areas. Our communiversity efforts bridge the gap between town and gown. The university regularly brings the local community onto campus for special events that showcase our students’ achievements.

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