Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pittman accepted to Marshall University

Please congratulate Cailey Pittman on her recent acceptance to Marshall University.  Way to go Cailey!

Why Marshall?

Big Opportunity, Close-Knit Community
Marshall University provides you with a world of opportunity (study abroad programs, top-notch facilities, undergraduate research programs, and more) within a close-knit and nurturing environment. Classes are small (average size, 23 students) so you and your professor can get to know each other. We have living/learning communities in the residence halls so that you are close to people in similar majors; a study group is never more than a couple of rooms away! Whether you’re travelling to Europe to perform with the Jazz Ensemble or making a new scientific discovery alongside one of our faculty members, you will learn and experience more than you thought possible at Marshall, and you’ll be doing it with people who become your family away from home!

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