Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Staton accepted to Gardner-Webb University

Please congratulate Federica Staton on her recent acceptance to Gardner-Webb University.  Way to go Federica!

Statement of Values

Christian Heritage
Acknowledging One God - Creator and Sustainer of life, and Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; committing to self-giving service displayed in Christ-like moral action that respects the dignity and value of every person.
Baptist Heritage
Affirming historic Baptist values such as the freedom of individual conscience and the right of people to worship God as they choose, the authority of Scripture in matters of faith and practice, the priesthood of every believer, the autonomy of the local church, and the separation of church and state.
Academic Excellence
Encouraging visible enthusiasm for knowledge, intellectual challenge, continuous learning, and scholarly endeavors; inviting pursuit of educational opportunities within and beyond the classroom for the joy of discovery; and inspiring accomplishment within one's field of study.

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