Thursday, September 9, 2010

What you should be doing now.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Freshmen:   Your number one goal is to do your homework and make the very best grades that you can in your classes right now.  Don't think, "Oh, I will make it up later" or "I'll do better in my sophomore year."  No, you need to be doing your best right now!  Don't get behind in your English, math or science classes.  You need to have passed four classes in each of these areas in order to graduate.

SophomoresThis is an important year in that you now have a year of high school experience and you are feeling a little more comfortable in what you are doing.  Please don't let this comfortable feeling allow you to easy up on your classwork.  This will be the first high school year that you will take the PSAT which is a practice test for the actual SAT college entrance exam.  The way to do your best on this test is to learn as much as you can now in all of your classes.

JuniorsThe junior year may well be the most important year of high school.  This is the year when you most likely take the hardest classes that you have taken in high school.  Due to this fact, the grade point average (GPA) that you will be sending on our transcript to colleges and universities next year will include all of the classes you have taken in your freshman, sophomore and this year.  Don't let up on your studies and extracurricular activities.

SeniorsWow!  You made it, but you definitely cannot let up now.  Why let all of your hard work go by the wayside by dropping the ball in not doing your school work.  Even if you receive an acceptance letter from a college or university and your grades fall dramatically, the college or university reserves the right to withdraw your acceptance.  Please don't let that happen.  Be organized and proactive.  Come see me if you have any questions regarding the college application process.

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