Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Stallion becomes a NCCU Eagle!

Please congratulate Qwamie Funderburk when you see her.  She has recently been accepted to North Carolina Central University.  Way to go Qwamie!  Since 1910, the mission of North Carolina Central University (NCCU) has been to prepare students academically and professionally to become leaders. NCCU is a comprehensive institution, which offers bachelor’s degrees in more than 100 fields of study and awards graduate degrees in an estimated 40 disciplines. The University has a state-of-the-art biotechnology research institute, which collaborates with pharmacy and biotech companies in the much-touted Research Triangle Park area, where NCCU is found. RTP is home to the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world – GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) and Merck.

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